Find Similar Objects

Parent page: PCB Dialogs

The Find Similar Objects dialog.


This dialog allows the designer to set up search criteria for the Find Similar Objects (FSO) process. This process uses the attributes of a target object as a reference for finding several other objects with similar characteristics.


From the PCB Editor, or PCB Library Editor, the dialog can be accessed in the following ways:

  • Click Tools | Locate | , from the main menus, then click on an object in the workspace. This object will be used as the template for finding similar objects.
  • Press Shift+F, then click on an object in the workspace to use as the template.
  • Right-click over the required template object in the workspace, then choose the Find Similar Objects command from the context menu.


The dialog is divided into two primary sections; the upper section consists of a grid that lists the attributes of the template (or reference) object, and the lower section consists of a group of check boxes that define what will happen once the Apply or OK buttons are clicked.

Use the Apply button to test and fine tune search criteria to yield the desired results, without closing the dialog.

Attribute Grid

The grid of attributes for the reference object is divided into three columns:

  • Left Column - lists the names of all the attributes of the reference object.
  • Center Column - lists the value of those attributes taken from the reference object.
To search for objects with different values, enter the search pattern into the attribute value column directly; the '*' character can be used as a wildcard for finding any group of characters - i.e. C* will find C1, C2, C20, C397, Cap5, etc. Edits made to the attribute value in the dialog will not alter the attributes of the reference object.
  • Right Column - provides a drop-down list of options used for specifying how the associated attribute should be used to find similar objects. The options are:
    • Any - find similar objects with any value for this attribute.
    • Same - find similar objects with the same value set for this attribute, as that of the reference object.
    • Different - find similar objects with a different value set for this attribute, to that of the reference object.

Highlighting Options

  • Zoom Matching - enable this option to have all objects matching the search criteria zoomed and centered (where possible) in the workspace.
  • Select Matched - enable this option to have all objects matching the search criteria selected in the workspace.
  • Clear Existing - enable this option to clear any existing selection or editing mask before performing the search. Disable this option if doing successive Find Similar Objects searches, and it is desirable for the results to accumulate.
  • Filtering Drop-Down - use this field to set the style of filtering applied in the workspace. Choose one of the following options:
    • Normal - choose this option to have those objects matching the search criteria appear fully visible in the workspace. The appearance of non-matching objects remains unchanged.
    • Mask - choose this option to have those objects matching the search criteria appear fully visible in the workspace, with all non-matching objects being made monochrome. With this option applied, non-matching objects will be unavailable for selection and editing.
    • Dim - choose this option to have those objects matching the search criteria appear fully visible in the workspace, with all non-matching objects retaining their colors, but being shaded (dimmed). With this option applied, non-matching objects will still be available for selection and editing.
  • Run Inspector - enable this option to display the editor's Inspector panel after running a search using the OK button. For this option to produce meaningful results, it will be necessary to have the Select Matched option set, since the Inspector panel will only show attributes from currently selected objects.


  1. Control the masking and dimming levels using the View | Highlight & Edit Mask | Mask Level and View | Highlight & Edit Mask | Dim Level slider controls, respectively.
  2. Clear applied masking in the workspace using the View | Highlight & Edit Mask |  button.


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